We recognize that modern slavery, human trafficking & Child Safety are significant global issues presenting a challenge for tourism businesses worldwide and here in Nepal as well. We are committed to improving our business practices to combat slavery, human trafficking & child safety issues very seriously. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, child safety, and human trafficking and are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in our business operation and as well as business partnerships & supply chains. We are committed to the standards set out by Friends International in case of the child safety movement and our CSR project is continuously supported by & trained by Planeterra Foundation which is an impact partner of Global Community Tourism Network.
Although we are small tour operators our business operation is connected to wide areas and peoples of Nepal & Globally in the Travel industry. We always seek transparency on our supply chains and are always committed to not involving any activities of modern slavery, human trafficking, and child safety on our entire business operation & with our supply chain like hotels, cafes, homestays, tea houses, workers, guides, staffs and local communities of visiting destinations.
We care about children and believe they should be protected from all potential harm in tourism. We don’t do the following things
Engagement of child labor on our business operation
Tours of schools or orphanages that disrupts children’s education
Participation of children in tourism without the consent of the child and the parent/guardian
Photography of children in tourism without the consent of the child and the parent/guardian
Children have a clear understanding of their rights, and what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior from travelers
Any direct contact with the children from the travelers without the consent of parent/guardian
We are committed to paying our staff (Guides, porters & other supporting staff) the minimum wages set out by the Nepal Government standards
We strictly ban guides and guest’s participation in or endorsement of sexual activities, abuse, violence, or other illegal activities on our trips.
We actively support and encourage fair employment practices. This means fair hours of work, favorable safe work conditions, and equal pay for equal work for our staff and guides.
We will not involve any activities including any human trafficking and we are committed to reporting these issues very promptly to the concerned authorities if we see them around the destinations and supply chains.
As a part of the organization internal policy, we have some internal working protocols and identify and mitigate slavery, human trafficking, and child safety in our operation
Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains & operation.
Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains & operation.
Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains.
Provide our staff with training to assist them in understanding the risks of slavery, human trafficking, and child safety issues.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and we expect our suppliers and third-party business connection to uphold the same values. It will not conduct business knowingly with anyone engaged in slavery, human trafficking, and child safety practices or knowingly permit them to be carried out in any part of our business operation. We are adapting our standard supplier terms and conditions to include applicable anti-slavery provisions and will look to secure similar protection in all relevant supply arrangements.
Our effectiveness in combating slavery, human trafficking & child safety in our business operation is true and solid.
This statement is made according to The Human Trafficking Control Act of Nepal of 1986.
Aabiskar Thapa
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